Choosing the right breeder for you is a big deal.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question. We welcome the opportunity to connect and help you make an informed decision.
Our all-inclusive kitten adoption fee is $3,500, sitting towards the low-to-mid-range of the national average price range of $2,500 - $5,500. This price includes a generous five-year covered conditions guarantee, a ten-year genetic health guarantee, and much more. Check out our pricing page for more information.
Maine Street Coons offers one of the most comprehensive and generous health guarantees you will find anywhere. The specific terms related to this guarantee are thoroughly outlined in our Kitten Purchase contract, but here are the highlights:
As a final note, we contractually require you to maintain Trupanion pet insurance on your cat for five years, while your covered conditions guarantee is in place. We are dealing with a living animal, and despite all of us doing everything right, things sometimes go wrong. Not every health condition can be prevented or avoided, and significant expenses can and do occur. Trupanion has no genetic or pre-existing conditions restrictions as long as you maintain the policy without a lapse and will reimburse you for 90% of covered treatment costs after you meet the $200 condition deductible. We carry a Trupanion policy on every cat at Maine Street Coons.
Please check out the Available Kittens page to find out. Here we list all kittens in our nursery, along with their status. This page also provides details about our future breeding plans.
Like all the best breeding programs, Maine Street Coons is very small and home-based. We don't mass produce kittens and almost always have some sort of wait. How long you will wait depends on how specific or flexible you are in regards to gender and color. We do our best to refer anyone who would have to wait more than six months to other reputable breeders in our trusted network.
To start the process, complete our Kitten Application.
The non-refundable deposit to reserve a Maine Street Coons kitten is $1,000. We do not want anyone to lose money or spend money on something they later regret, so please do not reserve a kitten unless you and the other decision-makers in your life are all on board and 100% committed to moving forward with the purchase. Please be sure! Our refunds are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Maine Street Coons accepts deposits via Venmo, Zelle, wire transfer, or credit card. Final payment can be accepted by cash or credit card at the time of pickup. **Our credit card processing company charges a 3.25% service fee for credit card transactions.
Yes, we allow serious pre-approved adopters to visit our home, by appointment. We want you to feel incredibly comfortable making a commitment to Maine Street Coons, so we are happy to show you where your kitten will be born and raised and introduce you to some of our adult cats. We all work full-time jobs and have a tremendous amount of work to do caring for our home and cats, so we ask you be respectful and visit only if you're serious about taking one of our precious babies home within the next six months.
How about one of each? All joking aside, you really can’t go wrong with a Maine Coon kitten of either sex. Maine Street Coons’ males and females are equally outgoing, inquisitive, affectionate, and adorable—each with their own personality. Because your kitten will be spayed or neutered before they become hormonally mature, you will not have to deal with hormonally-induced behaviors with either sex. The only real difference is that male Maine Coons tend to be about 20% larger than their female counterparts.
No. While many breeders insist on spaying or neutering their kittens before they leave, we choose to carefully select adopters we trust to comply with our requirement to spay or neuter their kittens when they are old enough to do so safely. Maine Coons are more sensitive to medications and anesthesia than most breeds of pedigreed cats. Waiting until they are at least five months old before putting them under significantly reduces the risk of anesthesia-related complications, including death. Our recommended age for spaying females is five to seven months of age. Our recommended age for neutering male kittens is six to nine months of age.
Maine Street Coons' kittens stay with Mama Cat and their siblings until they are approximately 14 weeks old and ready to make a healthy transition to your home. We know it's hard to wait! But taking home a happy, healthy, confident kitten that is fully vaccinated, well-behaved, and prepared for the exciting changes that lie ahead is worth it! You will find Maine Coon breeders that allow kittens to go home earlier, but we promise it is not in their kittens' best interest. We want only the best for you and your kitten!
Yes, you are welcome to schedule an appointment to visit with your kitten once before pickup, after they have received their second round of vaccinations. We limit the number of visits to protect the health of the kittens and limit the stress on Mama Cat.
Maine Coons are giant domestic cats. At Maine Street Coons, the bloodlines we work with are in the high-end of the average range for the breed, with excellent boning, heavy muscle, and good overall proportions and balance. For males, that is 16 to 20+ pounds when fully mature. Females are smaller than males but much larger than the average house cat, typically weighing 12-15 pounds as adults.
With proper care, Maine Coons can live into their mid-to-late teens. Just as larger dogs have shorter lives than small dogs, so do Maine Coon cats have a shorter life expectancy than a smaller breed of cat.
Yes, Maine Coon cats get along well with well-behaved, friendly dogs and most other breeds of household cats, with a few exceptions. Before bringing home any kitten, it is imperative that you have full command of your dog to include a strong recall capability.
Yes, the kittens at Maine Street Coons integrate seamlessly into family homes with people of all ages. We take pride in the extensive socialization of our kittens and their resulting friendliness and love for family life.
We strongly prefer that our clients make arrangements to travel to our home for pickup. Our kittens travel well by air (in cabin, under your seat) and we have successfully sent our babies home with new owners living throughout the United States. Typically, the cost of traveling in for pickup is less expensive than hiring a flight nanny, and gives you the opportunity to meet your kitten's parents and see where and how they were raised. Visiting a breeder is the best way to keep from getting scammed and to be sure you are not supporting unethical, unclean, backyard breeding practices.
Homecoming Day is exciting, and we want your experience to be rewarding and memorable! Your appointment will be for 50 minutes. You should plan to spend most, if not all, of that time with us. We promise to be well-prepared and focused on you and your kitten while you're here. For this reason, we ask that you show up on time — not early or late! We don't mean to be sticklers, but we time things carefully to make it less stressful for your antsy kitten and to show respect to the other pet buyers scheduled before or after you.
Sometimes we do. The best way to learn about available retirees is by following us on social media.
Yes, we do. The genes that result in a polydactyl Maine Coon can be traced back to the breed’s beginnings when it was estimated some 60% of Maine Coons were polydactyl. Extra toes are a naturally occurring genetic variance and not a birth defect.
If you like the unique look of a polydactyl Maine Coon, please let us know. While some misinformed breeders may discourage you, no health issues are linked to the polydactyl gene. The only difference between a regular-toed Maine Coon and a polydactyl Maine Coon is that the latter comes with a few more toes to love! our poly kittens are absolutely gorgeous and simply bring more to love to their new homes!
No. Blue eyes are not allowed per the Maine Coon breed standard (except in white cats), and are linked to increased health risks including total deafness and the feline version of Waardenburg syndrome, which is linked to fetal and premature death. All Maine Coon kittens have blue eyes at birth but these transition to gold, green, or copper by the time they go home.
No, we do not. Maine Street Coons preservation breeding program focuses on breeding healthy, happy, high-end kittens for adoption into loving pet homes.
We want you to feel incredibly comfortable with us or move on to a breeder who makes you feel that way. Always use your head and trust your gut!!!
1. You can visit our cattery! We welcome serious pre-approved adopters to request a behind-the-scenes tour of our in-home cattery, by appointment, to set their mind at ease.
2. You can talk to us on the phone, see us via a video conference call, and text or email us anytime you have a question. There's no better way to be sure we behave like friendly people!
3. We can backup our commitment to health by providing a veterinary reference. We have used the same vet for almost 20 years!
4. We are active TICA members, regularly attending shows in the Southeast region, and winning awards with our cats and kittens. Come and see us at a cat show!
5. Our cats and kittens are all pedigreed and registered with TICA and we have all the documentation to prove it. If any breeder gives you the run around on providing pedigrees or registration papers, just run! The only way to know you are getting a purebred Maine Coon cat is via a TICA- or CFA-certified five-generation pedigree.
Maine Street Coons was founded early in 2022. We have been Maine Coon owners and enthusiasts since 2005.
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