Kitten vaccines are incredibly important. All Maine Street Coon kittens receive three rounds of vet-administered vaccines to protect them from the most common feline diseases include feline distemper (panleukopenia), feline viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpes virus 1), calicivirus, and rabies. The first three are included in the FVRCP combination vaccine given every two to three weeks. The Purevax one-year rabies vaccine is given once with the third round of shots.
Absolutely! Like all kittens, Maine Coons are born without immunity to many prevalent feline diseases, some of which are fatal. Since I have not seen a cat cover their sneeze or use paw sanitizer, good protection against common feline diseases is necessary to keep your Maine Coon kitten healthy.
While nursing, newborn kittens receive maternal antibodies through their mother's colostrum. This helps protect them from many of these illnesses in the first few weeks of life. After that, Maine Coon kittens for sale need vaccines to help them develop their own immunity to protect them.
To be effective, Maine Coon vaccines must be given after the antibodies passed from mother cat to baby cat in the first few days of life are no longer effective in the kitten's bloodstream. If vaccines are given too early, the antibodies in the bloodstream will prevent the body from responding to the vaccine, and the kitten will not develop immunity. If the vaccines are delivered too late, the kitten is at high risk of being exposed to and contracting an illness after the maternal antibodies quit working. This can even happen in single-cat households, as some of these highly infectious diseases lie dormant in the environment.
For this reason, all Maine Coon kittens for sale at Maine Street coons are given a series of vaccine injections every three weeks by our licensed veterinarian. This starts when the kittens are 6 weeks old and is repeated every 3 weeks until the kittens are 12 weeks old. The rabies vaccine is given once with the third and final round of kitten vaccines and every one to three years thereafter, depending on the duration of the vaccine selected.
Maine Street Coons does not recommend this vaccine for any of our Maine Coon kittens for sale because it is (1) unnecessary in your situation and (2) linked to a specific kind of tumor called sarcoma. The Feline Leukemia virus (FeLV) is almost always spread by cats allowed outdoors, making your indoor-only kitten's risk of being exposed to this virus incredibly low. With this in mind, you can entirely avoid the associated cost and risk.
After a vaccine is administered, a kitten's immune system must recognize and then respond to the vaccine. This process takes time. For most Maine Coon kittens, vaccines begin to take effect about ten days after their second vaccination. The full effect of the vaccine is reached by 14 days after the third vaccination. For this reason, Maine Street Coons does not send kittens home until ten days after they receive their third round of vaccinations.
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