The future parent cats of Maine Street Coons actively participate in TICA shows to demonstrate their winning good looks and outstanding temperaments. Oscar has completed his time in the show hall for now after earning the highest title a cat can earn with TICA, Supreme Grand Champion! Oscar is also a Regional Winner and the Best Black Silver Classic Tabby with white Maine Coon of 2023, the third-best Maine Coon of the year, and the 9th Best Kitten of 2023. Everyone else is either competing in kitten class or having a blast working towards a title in between litters! Watch our Facebook or Instagram to find out where we will be next and come our Maine Coon kittens and Maine Coon cats in action!
Check out this great video
In Dandy's first ring, on his first day, at his first ever cat show, he was the youngest of the Maine Coon kittens in the longhaired kitten class at just four months. Despite the age disadvantage, we are excited to say he was awarded Best of Breed Maine Coon kitten by TICA Allbreed judge, Rene Knapp, who is also our South East Division Regional Director. We know Rene is a very experienced judge with a keen eye, so this was a good sign for good things to come! We were over the moon when Rene commented that Dandy was not a bit shy and that his eyes were a standout. A very nice start to his day and show career when competing against other talented Maine Coon breeders!
The show lasted all day Saturday and a half-day on Sunday, for a total of 12 rings. Dandy was awarded a total of four best of breed Maine Coon kitten awards, five second bests, and three third bests. The three judges who are also current or former Maine Coon breeders all awarded him Best of Breed. This is a great sign that, at least at this time, Dandy conforms tightly to the breed standard. We were very pleased with his performance.
After judging the Maine Coon kittens and other kittens of all breeds (longhaired and short-haired), each judge was allowed to call back their Top 9 favorite kittens in the show. Dandy was called back to five judge's rings and won 9th Best, 8th Best, 5th Best, 3rd Best, and Best Allbreed Kitten. Each final award resulted in a white ribbon, which you can see hanging from his show cage in the photo. Goooo Dandy!
Dandy's next competition will be New Year's weekend in Largo, Florida. We are looking forward to some sunny Floriday weather, to spending more time networking with other Maine Coon breeders, and to getting this handsome fellow back in the ring with the other Maine Coon kittens, where he had so much fun strutting his stuff!
On the day of her eighth month birthday, our beautiful Abissal*RU Mystery made her TICA debut in Crystal River, Florida. With five breed placements, two best of breed wins, and two Best Cat awards, Mystery now had a pending champion title.
At nine months, Supreme Grand Champion Big Meow Oscar Winner of Maine Street Coons is still very much a kitten, as he demonstrates here in Augusta, Ga in the ring of Judge Lynne Sherer from Illinois.
When Judge Laurie Patton first judged Oscar in Simpsonville in September 2022, she gave him high marks but told me that she wished his pattern was more pronounced. Here, she comments on how he has changed as he has developed and provides an important perspective on balance vs. size.
As a four- to eight-month-old kitten, Oscar always enjoyed him time on the table of Judge Chris Unangst from Ohio. At his first showing in adult class New Year's weekend 2023, it appears there are some things about Oscar that will never change
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