Could they be any cuter?! This is Ducky and his human brother all tucked in after a long day's play. Ducky is a black smoke with white boy from Diana X Pitch. He lives with his human family and another Maine Coon (also from Maine Street) named Chick in Madison, MS.
MaineMarie Eliana of MaineStCoons and RW SGC Bigmeow OscarWinner of MaineStCoons proudly welcomed six heavily patterned jungle beasts to their forest on July 15, 2023.
Show me the past kittens of the Jungle Litter.
Carolinameows Stelr of MaineStCoons and RW SGC Bigmeow OscarWinner of MaineStCoons proudly welcomed four eternal 1970's rock legacies to the stage on July 14, 2023.
Let me see the rockstars that were adopted.
Diana Nikira LIght and Abissal*RU Lionel Richie proudly dealt out six lucky playing cards to add to our full house on July 18, 2023.
Show me all the lucky playing cards that have been dealt.
Mystery x Pitch welcomed their litter of seven roaming travelers on June 14, 2023. Take me to see the adventurous babies .
Despite our plans to give her some time off, our beautiful CH Abissal*Ru Mystery found her way into the boy's room and returned with some precious cargo onboard. Mystery delivered three handsome red tabby boys on November 13!
Congratulations to this litter's Approved Guardians: Tyler & Erin Inman (Killen, AL) and Erin Lowery (Montgomery, AL)
Mystery's and Jolene's kittens went to see Dr. Wright for their first kitten visit on Tuesday, January 2, 2023. See for yourself how brave these babies are for their first outing!
Champion Abissal*RU Mystery and Abissal*RU Lionel Richie aka Pitch proudly announced the birth of their 𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕍𝕒𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 litter, born June 14, 2023. Seven fun-loving kittens make for one adventurous family vacay: five big strong boys and two beautiful feisty girls! The red silver Maine Coon kittens in this litter are too cute for words!
As of September 17, five of the seven Summer vacation kittens have made it to their new homes. Sunny Day will remain here with us and Chocolate 4 Breakfast will move to his new home in Vermont on October 1st!
It's often said that those who work hard should play hard.
Well, the Summer Vacay litter subscribes to a similar theory which is, "Play hard, sleep hard." Here we see Memories Made, Sunset Cruise, and Bonfire on the Beach sleeping away a lazy Sunday afternoon.
My previous breeding mentor always told me, "They are as you name them." In this case, however, Sandy Siesta earned his reputation for long naps and sleepy expressions first and that is what earned him his name. Some things never change!
When your name is Sunny Day, I guess you're destined to find the sunniest spot in the room to sleep the afternoon away. Sweet dreams, handsome young man.
As you can see by their body language, the Summer Vacation kittens are calm, confident, and curious in new situations. Their mother's positive energy and their early socialization have combined to create dispositions and personalities that are comfortable in a variety of settings and situations.
Dr. Wright thoroughly examines each kitten for proper body conformation, limb development, balance and muscle tone, the presence of any hernias, bright eyes and clear ears, and proper heart and lung sounds. Kittens are cooperative and well-behaved throughout the entire process and most importantly, everyone gets a clean bill of health!
Just as Chocolate 4 Breakfast (now Milo) is learning there is nothing to fear at the vet, Grandma and the kittens' new families are learning that there is nothing to worry about, as each kitten passes their exam with flying colors!
Rum Runner l Male l Red Silver Ticked Tabby l Available
Let’s explore the mesmerizing coat on Mystery & Oscar’s red-silver boys and learn more about the silver/smoke gene.
Poor Bonfire on the Beach had plans to party, but Mama Mystery decided it was time to potty instead. So embarrassing! 🫣
The Summer Vacation litter is starting to play and there’s no better way for them to improve their balance, coordination, or fine motor skills than to bond in a brawl! 😂
Mystery is proving to be a great Mama Cat. Lots of milk on the ready, and she even delivers!
The Summer Vacation litter had their first out of nest photo shoot on Day 13. It was exhausting (for them)!
On Day 18, the babies are walking and playing,. Time to move them with Mama Cat from the birthing room to the Kitten Garden.
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