Thank you for choosing us to grow your family by four big paws! Submitting this application indicates serious interest and gets the ball rolling in our process.
The next step will be a telephone conversation so we can get to know each other better and both get all of our questions answered. Thank you!
The average lifespan of a Maine Coon is 15 years. Should extenuating circumstances arise, your Maine Coon cat will always have a home here at Maine Street Coons. But our first, and best, choice is to choose owners that can make and keep a lifetime commitment. One critical part of this commitment is maintaining a Trupanion Pet Insurance policy on your kitten for their lifetime. This is a contractual requirement for adopting one of our priceless kittens.
Providing your Maine Coon cat with the proper living conditions, mandatory Trupanion health insurance and veterinary care, nutrition, litterbox, pest prevention, grooming, toys, scratching posts, pet-sitting or boarding, and other miscellaneous expenses will run you between $1,000 and $2,000 a year, on average. While we wish money grew on trees, it doesn't. There are long-term expenses involved in caring for a Maine Coon cat that are not suitable for every financial situation.
Despite all the health testing we do, and the excellent care we provide our kittens before they go home, health conditions can and do arise which can be very costly to treat. The average cost of treatment for conditions like FIP, stomatitis, nasal polyps, and hip dysplasia ranges from $3,000 to $6,000. We never want one of our babies to suffer, or see their life ended prematurely, for financial reasons. Trupanion pet insurance covers all these conditions and more, including allergies, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer, at 90% with a $200 deductible.
Because an intact (unspayed or unneutered) cat is subject to health and behavioral issues, we only place kittens in homes that agree to spay or neuter their kitten by nine months of age, and we never sell our cats with breeding rights.
We promise there is nothing cruel or harmful about spaying or neutering a Maine Coon kitten at the proper age. It will not stunt their growth or negatively alter their personality and will save you a ton of heartache and hassle. Sexually mature Maine Coons will mark their territory, attempt to run out the door to pursue a romance, and loudly vocalize their desire to find a mate.
Domesticated cats are not the same as their wild counterparts, and the great outdoors poses far more danger and threats to your Maine Coon than it's worth. If you believe that cats are happiest when allowed the freedom to roam, we respect your decision, but we are not the breeder for you. Exposure to infectious diseases, parasites, dogs and other predators, snake bites, cars, and mean people are just a few of the reasons we require our cats be kept indoors or in a secured "catio" 100% of the time.
During declawing, sensory and motor nerves in the cat's paw are cut, damaged, and destroyed. Removing claws is just like amputating the first knuckle of your fingers--it is permanently disfiguring and incredibly painful. This unnecessary procedure forever changes the way a cat's foot meets the ground and how the cat walks, leading to lameness, back troubles, and more. Many cats' personalities change as a result of living in chronic pain. We have multiple cats at Maine Street Coons and are able to keep all our belongings intact by trimming nails often, providing scratching posts, and training the right behaviors early.
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